Learning to Control a Fear of Public Speaking
If you are searching for a short course in Presentation Skills, then it may well be that one of the things you are hoping to learn is how to manage public speaking anxiety.
You are not alone if the thought of public speaking and giving business presentations terrifies you. And yet you probably recognise that presentation skills are an essential capability to develop if you are wanting to be effective in any type of leadership position.
Yes, the right short course can help ..... as long as the training will provide you with plenty of opportunity to practice your public speaking within an encouraging environment! The right training can equip you with the techniques and confidence you need to succeed. A one day short course can be delivered in-company - for more information check out Presentation training Melbourne
In the short video clip below, I offer some ideas to help control those presentation nerves. Deep breathing, thorough preparation and keeping things in perspective can all help to alleviate anxiety.